Microneedling/channeling Aftercare

If doing the Elmirastudio Beauty Microneedling facial, Elmirastudio Skin aftercare products will be provided. When the numbing wears off you may feel like you have a mild sunburn. You may use your Elmirastudio Skin Sooth-ing Mist as desired from day one on to soothe your skin. On the day of treatment, at home, wash your face with the Ultra Gentle Cleanser. After cleansing, apply Growth Factor Serum. Follow with Moisture Perfecting Cream. If you desire, you may apply the Barrier Recovery Mask for 20 minutes or you may sleep in it tonight. You may continue using the mask nightly as desired. Continue using Elmirastudio Skin aftercare products.

If doing the Procell facial, no other products should be applied until the next day. On day of treatment, if any microchannel delivery solution remains, apply continually until gone. When the numbing wears off you may feel like you have a mild sunburn. You may use Aloe Vera spritzer or Membrane Microgel if desired. You may begin to use Elmirastudio Skin products the following day.

*If using Membrane Microgel, begin application 6 hours post treatment for enhanced results. On the following morning cleanse with the provided cleanser and apply 1-3 drops of gel. Apply daily, morning and evening for as long as you feel necessary. You may add your Elmirastudio Skin products on day two.

**If using Livra Accelerator serums, no product should be applied for the rest of the evening. Begin application of serums the following day.

On the following morning cleanse with the provided cleanser and apply 1-3 drops of the serums. Apply daily, morning and evening for as long as you feel necessary. You may add your Elmirastudio Skin products on day two.

***If using ELMIRASTUDIO Skin, no other products should be applied until the following day. On the following day you may begin using your Elmirastudio Skin aftercare products. Wash your face with the Ultra Gentle Cleanser. After cleansing, apply Growth Factor Serum. Follow with Moisture Perfecting Cream. If you desire, you may apply the Barrier Recovery Mask for 20 minutes or you may sleep in it tonight. You may continue using the mask nightly.

Microneedling/channeling Aftercare Dos and Don’ts

  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Apply sunscreen daily. Elmirastudio Beauty Skin SPF 30 is recommended. 
  • When numbing wears off, it may feel like a mild sunburn. You may apply aloe vera to relieve the tingling sensation. 
  • Wear a hat or a visor when outdoors. 
  • Mineral Makeup can be worn the day after treatment. (It’s a great time for new makeup.) 
  • Vitamins A ,C and Hyaluronic Acid serums are highly recommended. 
  • Use a clean pillowcase. Try to sleep on your back to avoid rubbing your face. • Use clean makeup brushes, sponges, or applicators while healing. 
  • Do not pick or scratch at skin or scabs. Allow them to exfoliate naturally.


  • Chlorine (Jacuzzis, pools or saunas) for at least 3 days. 
  • Direct sun exposure or water reflections for at least 3-6 months. 
  • Photosensitizing medications and topical solutions (Even some essential oils cause photosensitivity.) 
  • Exfoliants, retinols and glycolic acids. 
  • Waxing brows or face for 2 weeks. 
  • Regular face make up until face is healed.

What to expect after your Microneedling /channeling treatment

Immediately after your microneedling/channeling treatment: The treatment area will feel tight, dry and ap- pear flushed like a sunburn. Needle lengths of 0.25mm, 0.5mm will result in mild redness and swelling for up to 24 hours. Needle lengths of 1-1.5mm will result in result in redness and swelling for up to 72 hours. Transepidermal water loss is a common, temporary side effect and may leave you feeling dry. Do not take anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibupro- fen, Motrin or Advil. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation.

Be sure to use clean or new brushes to avoid bacteria. Stay away (for at least 2 weeks) from retinols and or glycolic acids as these will dry your skin. (You may begin applying sunscreen (SPF30 or higher) the day after the treatment. ELMIRASTUDIO Skin SPF 30 is recommended.

Days 1-3: Your skin will appear red/pink, feel very dry, itchy and tight. Some flaking is normal.

Days 3-4: You may you lightly exfoliate with Elmirastudio Skin Enzyme Exfoliating Cream.

Days 2-7: Continue to cleanse and moisturize your face as usual. Within 2 days following your treatment, you will notice your skin will become dry and flaky. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. Some flaking is normal. Deeper treated areas will appear red longer and may scab. It is important you allow the treated area to heal naturally and that you do not pick at it, as it could cause scarring.

Days later your skin will be dry and begin the temporary process of shedding. These are skin layers that would regularly shed a week later, but microneedling/channeling brings the skin to the surface sooner. You may apply both your regular skin moisturizer and Hyaluronic acid during this process.

If the treatment area was near your eyes, you may notice some micro-bruising that may last for 3-4 days. This can easily be covered with mineral makeup.

Days 7+ : You will notice your skin becoming smoother and more radiant, though it may take up to a month before you see optimum results. You can now return to your regular skin care regimen. (Unless you are continuing a series of treatments, then avoid any glycolic acids or exfoliates, etc. altogether.)

Depending on the condition being treated, a course of 1-6 treatments is typically recommended. Results vary from patient to patient. If you require more than 6 treatments, this could indicate a possible underlying medical condition. It is advised you consult your dermatologist or doctor before further treatments. Results can vary radically from patient to patient. The healthier you are, the better results you will see from microneedling/channeling, as your body’s function and overall health are reflected through your skin.

It is important to maintain good hydration as it aids the skin’s ability to heal and maintain a proper balance. If your water intake is insufficient, the lack of hydration can cause dry tight and flaky skin. 8 or more glasses of water is recommended daily.

Vitamin C or growth factor serums are highly recommended as they are the key to the production of collagen. (Collagen gives our skin it’s firmness and strength.) Zinc and vitamin C supplements have also been known to aid in collagen production. In most cases, redness will begin to subside within 2-4 days. Some cases may take longer if a more aggressive treatment is performed. If the skin becomes redder and/or you are experiencing pain, please contact your technician as soon as possible. Pinkness of the skin may take up to 1-2 months to fade. This is not uncommon.

If you are prone to fever blisters you can get a prescription for an anti-viral such as Zovirax or Acyclovir. L-Lysine is a good over-the-counter alternative.

In rare cases, you may notice small white dots appearing on the skin. These may be simple reaction cysts (milia) or they could be minute infected areas. Care- fully but firmly wipe them away and apply an antibiotic lotion to the area. Do not allow the white dots to remain on the skin. If you are not able to remove them yourself please let the technician know.